Prepare for CARM today if your business imports into Canada!
Introduction to CARM
The Government of Canada is modernizing and streamlining the process of importing commercial goods via the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project. The CARM project being implemented by CBSA is a multi-year initiative that will transform the collection of duties and taxes for goods imported into Canada. In May 2024, CARM will become the official system of record for the collection of duties and taxes for commercial goods imported to Canada.
The May 2024 implementation will expand the features of the CARM Client Portal (CCP) and facilitate accounting and revenue management processes.
Your organization needs to register for the CCP if it conducts any of the following activities:
• Imports commercial goods as seldom as once a year.
• Imports commercial goods through a courier.
• Uses a customs broker or third-party service provider to import commercial goods.
• Imports goods that will be sold.
• Imports goods for any commercial, industrial, occupational, institutional or other like use.
CARM Benefits and Key Changes
The implementation of CARM will serve to reduce the administrative burden on the trade community, while also allowing commercial importers to maintain their existing relationship with their customs broker by delegating authority to them via the CCP. Registering now is an important first step for importers to continue to have their customs broker act on their behalf in May 2024.
Registering now allows importers:
• the ability to view their transaction history on the CCP;
• the ability to make payments online;
• the ability to request advance rulings; and
• access to a tool to help classify goods.
Features that will be available after the scheduled implementation in May 2024 include:
• electronic commercial accounting declarations that you can correct and adjust;
• changes to the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) program;
• harmonized billing cycles; and
• the ability to:
○ register for a Business Number (BN9)
○ enrol in various CBSA commercial programs
As of May 2024, the ability to register for an importer or exporter account (RM) will only be available via the CCP. The Canada Revenue Agency will no longer be providing this service.

You can find more information on the CARM website, including information on CARM webinars.
Next Steps for importers to be prepared and avoid delays at the border
Importers need to register on the CCP in advance of May 2024. Every organization should be prepared and ready for the CARM coming-into-force date by having conversations within their organizations about the upcoming changes. For those that use a broker or other third-party service providers, discuss the upcoming changes with them to ensure that you can work together to prepare.
When your organization is ready to register, please visit the CBSA’s CARM Client Portal webpage and select ‘Log into the CARM Client Portal’. Once you have registered, you will be able to use the current CCP functionality, with additional functionality becoming available in May 2024.
Stay up to date by emailing the CARM Engagement Team at cbsa.carm_engagement[1] to join the CARM distribution list.
The CBSA’s CARM Client Support Helpdesk (CCSH) can be contacted with any account-specific questions.
Fill out the client support contact form or call the helpdesk at 1-800-461-9999.
You can find more information on the CARM website.